Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to self publish a children's ebook

Ok I admit it ! I am flying by the seat of my pants here ! 

 My first call to action was to put together a great book with an awesome story line and pair it up with  colorful,dynamic illustrations.
 Amazons Kindle kids book creator was the perfect platform to pull this all together, but beware if you have never published a book before using this very useful tool it may make you cross eyed (it did me) . REALLY, maybe I'm just not the sharpest tool in the shed BUT it took me three online seminars, four different editors, one crashed computer, a full day to fix it and finely mixed diet of coffee, and chamomile tea to pull it all together ( I will break it down for you in a later blog entry).

So now my book is on Amazon and my millions will roll in right ? Well that's what I thought too ! I mean why wouldn't The Rainbow Roosters be just flying off the shelf ? I had a famous, amazing illustrator( Elaine Niemi ) I had a great story line but as I sat there intently looking at the stats page on the night of our book release, the harsh reality was we had 6 views and only one sale( bought by my brother), we were ranked 258,000 on the viewers list....and had made a whopping 1.73...What was going on ??????
That's when it hit me, NO ONE KNOWS THE RAINBOW ROOSTERS EVEN EXISTS !! Now like said before I am not the sharpest tool in the shed BUT I'm no the dullest either.

Let the Campaign begin !!!  

First my apologizes to my Facebook friends who have all been inundated with my very HIGH spirited advertising campaign. 
Facebook is an excellent venue to spread the word, I mean everyone on your friends list is your friend right ? Its also a good place to get your feet wet. They will happily go to Amazon and download your book AND leave good reviews for you on Amazon  but 185 friends will only get you so far . Here are some other things I did to get the ball rolling :

1. Start your own website. Your material needs a place to live where your followers an come visit.
2. Create Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media pages you can find.
3. Keep your pages active and interactive, engage your readers ! 
4. Promote your book, build up anticipation with your audience before you launch your book.
5. Keep fresh relevant content on all your social media feeds. Create inspiration/fun quotes to share and include your website information on each of them.
6. Start a blog to keep traffic coming to your website. PLUS if you love to write its a win, WIN.
7. Start campaigns, have people vote on your next book cover. Offer free downloads or give aways for your book launching.
These are all things I am either doing or wish I had done for "The Rainbow Roosters". If you have more ideas I would love to hear them !! AND please visit us at :

Click here to get  THE RAINBOW ROOSTERS  free until 12/19/15


                          Check Out My Trailer

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